August 27, 2006 at 10:40 pm
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For his birthday, Ben got his own kitchen from us and all the grandparents. He had a long dramatic tantrum the night it arrived because he wanted to play with it, but couldn’t because it was in many many pieces in the box. After he went to bed, we spent a little over an hour assembling it, and he’s been cooking up yummy meals ever since (and making us taste them, over and over again). He even likes to clean up – he asked for his own sponge so he could do dishes. At first he was frustrated that the water didn’t work, but then he discovered he could just open my water bottle and pour it in the sink. Problem solved. 🙂
I think it’s a hit.

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August 24, 2006 at 4:29 pm
· Posted by eric
· Filed under Old Site, Vacation
We spent the last week of July in Iowa, visiting Ben’s great-grandma and other family members. It was really hot while we were there, up to 105° on the last day, so we spent a lot of time indoors. Thank goodness for air conditioning!
We visited the local county fair where Ben got to see and climb on lots of tractors, and where we saw the Phils (Eric’s uncle and cousin) in their car and truck races. Ben loved that – he sat happily to watch them for nearly 3 hours! Of course, crashes, car fires, fire trucks, tow trucks and cars that had bits falling off made it all very interesting for a little boy.
We also watched (and chased) the Balloon Classic Mass Ascension (more photos on Eric’s site), saw the parade, spent a lovely day at Phil and Judy’s lake house, and just generally enjoyed hanging out with family. Ben had fun with his two second cousins, Lance (3) and Anna (1). The boys had a very serious conversation about tractors at one point.
This album is a little longer than recent ones, sorry. (17 pictures, not too bad.)

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August 22, 2006 at 4:13 pm
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Rather belatedly, here are some pictures of Ben’s small birthday celebration. We just had one friend, Caroline, and her parents over for an afternoon of playing in the wading pool, eating cake in swimsuits (which made cleanup relatively easy), and grilling veggies for dinner. It was a fun day, but sad because those friends moved to Maine the following week.

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We left the next day for a week in Iowa with Eric’s family; some pictures from that trip will be next.
August 12, 2006 at 4:42 pm
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August 11, 2006 at 4:46 pm
· Posted by eric
· Filed under Baby #2, Family, Old Site
Ben’s going to be a big brother! Baby #2 is due on January 25th.
We had an ultrasound yesterday, at exactly 16 weeks, and everything looked good. It was a very, very active little baby, with all the right parts and no signs of any problems. We didn’t find out if it’s a boy or girl, by choice, and don’t intend to until the birth.

And I have a baby belly. These were taken this morning at 16 weeks 1 day:

(More pictures of Ben coming soon, I promise.)