January 19, 2008 at 10:26 pm
· Posted by rose
· Filed under Family, Outside, Seasons
Friday morning was gray and damp, but not actually raining. Ben didn’t want to go to school, so we decided to go for a walk in the forest instead. We were in the woods for well over an hour, and I was amazed — Timothy actually walked about half of it all by himself! It was a slow pace, but that gave us lots of time to notice the fallen trees, the odd-looking fungi, the white-tipped pinecones (lichen?), the puddles, the lack of slugs, the different types of moss. It was wonderful to spend time like that with my boys. The forest feels particularly enchanted to me in that sort of weather, and with noone else around at all, I didn’t have to worry about one lagging and one leading. (“Mama, sing the leader song!”) Not that we ever got too far apart.

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January 16, 2008 at 2:44 pm
· Posted by rose
· Filed under Outside
It’s been gray here. Gray, and wet. For weeks, it feels like. So yesterday, when the sun was shining and the sky was blue, we headed to the park.
This is the first time Timothy has been to the park since he became a walker, so it was a whole new world to him. He’s going to have so much fun there this summer.
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January 2, 2008 at 10:33 pm
· Posted by eric
· Filed under Admin
Every so often, we hear a honking or a tapping from the front yard, and this is what we see. They are looking for food, or companionship, or something. They can fly if provoked, as well as run pretty fast and make funny noises. They have been spotted deadheading the mums on the front porch, so they may even make somewhat useful gardeners.