Recent Photos
We’re all doing well, just busy with visitors and Ben starting Kindergarten, and getting used to being a family of five. It’s been a crazy few months of adjustments but we’re finally settling into a routine. Sort of.
Nathaniel had his 2 month appointment today, and weighs 13lbs 10oz. That’s up almost two pounds since he was last weighed, two weeks ago, at the midwife’s office. So while he’s smaller than both his brothers at this age, he’s gaining weight at about the same rate now. And otherwise he’s healthy.
Here are a few recent photos of him:
Both big brothers love to hold him and make frequent requests (demands?) to do so:
And here are all of them, The Whidbey Soroos Boys, together:
Emily said,
October 21, 2009 @ 3:08 am
What a beautiful bunch of boys they are! congrats and I’m glad you’re all settling in.
Kate said,
October 21, 2009 @ 7:13 am
My goodness, but there’s some strong genetics operating in your family! No question but that those are brothers, right there.
Such beautiful boys. Congratulations again!
Grandma said,
October 21, 2009 @ 5:54 pm
Thanks for the new pictures, they are great. We are looking forward to playing with all three of them. Nate seems to be growing up very quickly. It was a treasure to see him when he was so young. We are looking forward to Christmas.
Love, Grandma