Catching up again

Been a busy few weeks. We had Ben’s 18 month appointment at the beginning of February. He weighs 37.8 lbs and is 36 inches tall. In case you were wondering, that’s BIG. Here’s his growth chart just so you can see how far off the charts he is. His weight curve is up into the height section. He’s in the 95th percentile for three year olds. At 18 months. And he’s not slowing down yet — still gaining an average 1lb a month since last July.

We went to the zoo one weekend day a few weeks ago. So of course we have more pictures from the African village. He loves that place.

And we went on a ferry trip to Whidbey Island, in the middle of a huge windstorm. It was a rough crossing, but we had fun anyway.

Zoo, Ferry

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Last weekend, Ben attended his first ever conference (a blogging conference, how appropriate) in Vancouver BC. His first trip to Canada! We had a great time, he attended some sessions, slept through others, got a t-shirt (picture to come soon). In the meantime, here are some pictures of him after he demanded to put on Daddy’s t-shirt the other night.

big t-shirt

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