Archive for Baby #2
Baby #2
Arrived today — A boy, 9 lb,1 oz. 21″ long. 5:43am. Everyone is doing well.
There is no name yet.
The pictures I promised.
The booties.
Front of Ben’s quilt.
It’s hard to see in this photo, but the main patterned fabric is all yellow and green leaves with thin red outlines, and the border and binding are red to match.
Back of Ben’s quilt.
You can see the quilting pattern better here — basically I quilted around each of the leaf squares that doesn’t look like it has a yellow or green border. The fabric is just a really small yellow, red and blue patterned print.
And, of course, the belly at 41 weeks.
41 weeks and 2 days, but who’s counting?
Still no real signs of anything happening. I’ve been doing everything I can do to encourage this baby to come out and meet us, but it’s either very stubborn, very comfortable, or both. I’ve even had two acupuncture appointments in the last three days, which is supposed to be helpful in starting labor, but so far, not for me. At this stage of pregnancy with Ben, at least I had started labor. Even if he didn’t technically arrive til 41 weeks and 4 days.
I have some pictures to upload — more belly, baby booties, and Ben’s quilt — but I’ll do it tomorrow. Yes, I’ve been doing crafts while I wait for baby. Now I’m making my first ever attempt at knitting a pair of socks, for Ben.
Ben and the Belly
We finally decided to try to take some pictures of Ben with the belly while we still have the chance. He wasn’t exactly cooperative, but we got a few. He seems to have a pretty good understanding of what’s in there — most nights recently he gives the belly a hug and a kiss and says “goodnight baby” before he goes to bed. 🙂
As predicted, baby is going to be late.
Well, 40 weeks today and still pregnant. No signs of anything happening soon. Doesn’t mean it won’t, of course, just means I’m becoming resigned to being pregnant forever. 😉
But now I can answer those strangers who ask when I’m due with a “yesterday” or soon a “last Thursday” and watch their face as they worry about the baby falling out right that minute in front of them. 🙂 Always amusing.

35 Weeks
I’m 35 weeks today. These pictures are from last night. Obviously, Eric is still playing with lighting techniques. 🙂
32 weeks
Eric’s been experimenting with lighting effects, so of course I’ve been modeling. We got these ones last night.